Let me begin...

Sunday, October 24, 2010


All these jokes about having super robot x-ray vision may have been unfortunate. :/ I am now (as of the past few days) seeing in quads. . .or perhaps just like a kalidescope (sp?)? I used to have two very specific pictures when I opened both of my eyes. . .and now it is more like a mesh of several pictures. . .some are far away, some are blurry and light, some seem clear. It is like being a bug. . .or a spider. But which item is real? If I reach out, what will I be grabbing. . .air, or an arm? Not sure, but all this to say. . .mine eyes hath experienced changeth again. That's the best of my "Olde English."

Tomorrow I'm going back to my neuro-opth. for my first check-up since becoming a pirate. It's been almost a month--it will be a month this Wednesday--since I started patching it up. While my vertigo is better, my eyes are actually getting somewhat worse.

Many questions to ask tomorrow:
1. Is there a surgery I can have to correct this problem?
2. Am I lowering my chances of healing by working?
3. Do I need to go on disability to potentially regain my vision?
4. Do I truly have another (even more rare and serious) underlying neurological disease since I am not currently fitting only the typical issues associated with OCS. . .I am exhibiting more?
5. Will I be making people walk the plank forever? If so, where can I get a schnazzier eye patch?
6. Is this a genetic issue that could potentially transfer to my future posterity?

. . .and many others that I can't think of off the top of my head. That's why it's good to make a list.

In other news, the hubby and I are about to celebrate our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! That's right! I can't believe it's already been a year--it seems like just yesterday, but when I really examine the times we've spent, I see that it can't be just yesterday! Look at all we've done since then: holidays, workings, getting our friends married, packing one home, moving across the country, starting new jobs, setting up a new house, housing an old friend from Taiwan, starting a new church, losing my "single vision," etc. It's been a year of change. . .a great year, to be honest. Even amidst the current battles and challenges, I have loved it. I love learning, I love being married, and I love growing closer to God via all the world/God throws at me.

Last night I went to a fall festival to visit with my old co-workers, then today I was able to spend time with a new friend. What a great blessing to be healed enough to get out and do something. :) Up next weekend. . .time with the hubby and pumpkin carving fun! I've also gotten really happy with my pumpkin cooking. . .up this weekend, we have pumpkin cheesecake bars. Can't wait to see how those turn out!


Jesky 'Bera said...

I'm praying for you! Hope we'll see you soon

Anna said...

I came here through Bliss and the Battlefield. First of all, I'm truly touched by your bravery and patience with your neurological problems as exhibited in this entry. I too have been suffering from neurological problems. I think they're concussion related so they're not visionary, but cognitive/dizziness, etc. I have an appointment next week. I hope that yours goes well and you are able to figure out what's going on and get things fixed! I cannot imagine how difficult that would be!

Happy one year anniversary! :)

Pumpkin cheesecake bars? Those sound amazing!

Talitha said...

Thanks for the support! I am now praying to be able to see by my anniversary (with both eyes open). :) I pray that your appointment goes well--I am very thankful for such great doctors.