Ah, rest.
Gen. 2:1-3:
"1 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.
2 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested [a] from all his work. 3 And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done."
Today after church I rested. God rested after all of His glorious work in Genesis. I was so overjoyed to be able to have a break. A day where I did no school-related activities (aside from checking out my grades!) and I could rest, make it through the headache, clean out all of my scrapbook supplies, and transfer and organize thousands (literally) of my pictures on my computer.The longer you've gone without a true break, the more you appreciate the simple things like this. For me, I'd rest for a bit, but still be required to study each day and be productive. I thank God for allowing me to have such a great day full of things I enjoyed immensely.
Mark 6:30-32:
"30The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. 31Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."
32So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place."
Jesus commands us all to take time out to ourselves. How wonderful it is indeed! In the spare time I've been blessed with, I've been able to have some really great, intimate, life-altering conversations with the Lord. . .God is a conversational God. He likes to chat. :-)This month is a semi-rest period. . .not that I don't have many things to do in preparation for my new job, but I will have time to read for fun. I've already started rereading "Praying God's Word" by Beth Moore. And I ordered a book called "Morning and Evening" by Charles Spurgeon. I LOVE reading Spurgeon and all of those "great" men of faith. . .I appreciate the language they use and the passion they speak with.
Rest. It was great to be obedient and do it.
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