Let me begin...

Monday, November 22, 2010


In lieu of the day o' thankfulness (and turkey), it is time for another list. . .ah yes. Of course.

With a multitude of things to be thankful for, I will narrow my list down to 30. . .30 days of thanksgiving!

1. Salvation
2. Grace
3. My husband
4. The roof over my head
5. The food in my kitchen (especially soup!)
6. Warmth
7. Church
8. New friends
9. A job that pays the bills and lets us save
10. Paying of debts
11. Sweaters
12. Scarves
13. Boots
14. My soccer socks which are now coming in handy
15. Seattle
16. Pike Place Market
17. Seafood
18. Getting to eat out a few times a month (yessssss)
19. Snow
20. The salt truck (even though he just shot salt on me when I was walking)
21. A safe car
22. Co-workers
23. The really GREAT days with my students
24. Watching my students make progress
25. My husband's silly faces
26. Hugs
27. Felt tip pens
28. Vintage jewelry, amongst other vintage items
29. Hats that cover my ears

Okay, I couldn't do it. 30? I am going to have to move it on up. Maybe I can do 40....

31. Wind
32. All soy/rice/almond/hemp milk products
33. Peppermint mochas and other assorted holiday drinks
34. The ability to read and ENJOY it
35. The ability to speak about my Savior
36. The ability to sing about my Savior
37. Communion
38. Christmas hymns
39. Jesus' birthday cake
40. Gingerbread houses

You see? The list could go on, and on, and on....it's like the "song that doesn't end." There should never be an end to our Thanksgiving. Just tonight, I was blessed by lots of snow to walk in. I made a tiny snowman. I had a great time. God is so good to me!

God is great!

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